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To Help You Live Your Life to the Fullest
Free Consult with Green & Associates for Divorce or Family Law Before the Holidays
Dec. 22, 2019
If you are seeking to get in before the new year that consultation for divorce or a family law matter such as a post-judgment motion for relocation, college expenses, termination of alimony, call Green & Associates NOW before Christmas or New Years and hear how we can save you time and money with our flat fees for an uncontested divorce and motion practice.
Call us today at 732-390-0480 or 201-242-1119 to start the New Year in the right direction with the help you need with your divorce or family law matter. At Green & Associates, our over twenty years of experience will help get you the results you want quickly and efficiently. Call us today before the holidays are here and we will see you in our offices!